Monday, October 11, 2010

Ten Ten Ten: Just another day!

Yesterday was October 10, 2010, or 10 | 10 | 10 as the news reporters and the superstitious like to say.

It is novel, but does it really make a difference that the day, month and year are all the same number? I think there are 2 more left (11-11-11 and 12-12-12) and that's if for a long time.

Some people planned the birth of their child to fall on this day (by caesarean if necessary!), City Hall even performed marriage ceremonies - unusual because they don't normally work on a Sunday.

The claim is that 10 | 10 | 10 suggests perfection, a wholeness because it contains the other numbers 1 through 9, but for me, it makes me think of binary code. On, off, on, off ...

I spent most of it walking the Waterfront Trail from Neville Park to Rosetta McClain Gardens.

I brought my camera along with me, as I usually do when I when I go for a walk. I didn't see perfection - at least I don't think I did (would I know it if I saw it?), but I did see some pretty ordinary things.