Friday, November 29, 2013

Insta-gram #3: Philosopher's Walk

A bright, frigid Toronto morning. 
Blue sky
Passersby walking dogs,
enveloped in breathe clouds with every exhale.
The grass dusted with snow
a young man wheels his cello to rehearsal.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Walking in Virginia: the sound of leaves

"Shhhh," say the leaves as the wind hurries them across the street.

"Someone is coming."

Friday, November 1, 2013

Walking. Walking.

person walking under a bridgeThe howling wind is banging on the rain spattered bedroom window.
The ghosts of yesterday, reaching out through the morning darkness.

Walking. Walking.

A woman in a bright green trench,
hot pink purse
slung across her body, walks by.

Unaware of the swirling leaves at her feet; tiny, rustling cats, scraping along the sidewalk, drawing figure eights around her ankles.

Walking. Walking.

West on Bloor St.
Wind pushing back, refusing passage.
Unravelling scarves.
Desperate wearers scrambling to grasp purple, pink, green streams flapping wildly up, back, twisting away from their necks.

Walking. Walking.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Insta-gram #2: a hot pink ...

underwear day.

On a rainy Hallowe'en morning.
I think I'll walk to Virginia next year.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Insta-gram #1: Thursday

The dog, prancing, proud of the fuzzy yellow tennis ball in its mouth.

The dog's walker with her candy-coloured bag of dog shit.

The homeless man in the bus shelter; folding his belongings.

The women's running group, walking briskly, Venti coffees held aloft.

Trophies for this morning's effort.
