Saturday, September 18, 2010


 It seems my friend Laura is still reading my blog! She asked me to share the following post ...

I'm still here!

I also spend a lot of time in my head, only to be "jolted" back to reality
by stark images such as the photo Kelly shared, human oddities (in
particular, subway behaviour) and the occasional request for directions.

Here is one such story.

One day while at work I went to the bathroom. I opened the stall only to see
a pair of mittens (see attached picture). I'm sure you could imagine my
shock. And the questions...why were there two mittens, one floating in the
toilet, one on the floor? How did they get there? Was it done on purpose?
Was it some kind of statement? Did one fall out a coat pocket into the
toilet during an attempt to use the washroom without removing the coat? Was
the fact that one ended up in the toilet the reason why both were abandoned?
Surely the one of the floor could be easily picked up.

I went back to my desk and sent an email to the entire office. I attached
the picture and requested that the owner of these mittens retrieve them,
after all, the mittens had been kind throughout the winter, doing their job,
protecting the hands of the owner from the cold Canadian climate. No
response but the mittens did disappear by day's end.

I received some responses appreciating my efforts. I never found out
anything more. This incident, henceforth known as "mitten gate", and their
owner was never discussed or identified.

-- Laura