This past Friday Kyle and I went grocery shopping after work, as we usually do.
We get to the check-out and the cashier - a disinterested young man - proceeds to scan and pack our groceries.
The cashier picks up the bunch of beets I had placed on the conveyor and locates the tag. On one side of the tag is a barcode, he tries to scan that but nothing happens. He turns the tag over and discovers the PLU # and enters the number into the computer and receives an error message.
He then looks at me, still holding the bunch of beets and asks, "Do you know how much these are?" I replied, "No, but they are golden beets," thinking he would look them up on the price rolodex sitting on top of his cash drawer.
The young man pauses, looks at the beets and says, "ehhh," then he drops the beets into the bag and proceeds with the rest of my order!